Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Greatest Achievement in Life!


Just 2 minutes was enough to find the life purpose!

Few years ago my school mate @pradeep Khannur had landed in Bangalore from Singapore on his way to his home town.

Every time, when he returned for holidays we used to meet, for few hours.

On one such meet, my friend played an audio book and we listened for about 2 minutes!

I was totally mesmerized!

During our chat, he mentioned about the author and suggested me to read the book.

I started reading the book and couldn’t keep it down before finishing!

Then I listened to many hours of videos from the same author.

I was hooked!

Who is that author?

Eckhart Tolle!

The Power of Now is such a wonderful book.

It mentions the word ‘meditation’ just 8 times in the whole book starting from chapter 1, yet it made me to understand a lot about meditation!

Eventually I did a six months course from Eckhart Tolle’s School of awakening!

The Power of Now has positively impacted millions of people.

A  Must read for anyone who is eager to understand Self, yourself & other self !!!!

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