Tuesday, February 23, 2021



I too had and have many fears about so many things.

But one particular fear simply immobilised me for 15 days!

This was about fifteen year ago story!

I had enrolled my daughter for a roller skating class.

It used to be amazing to watch those little kids rolling on the wheels effortlessly.

I got sufficiently motivated and approached the trainer with little bit hesitancy about my enrolment, since the oldest kid in that class was 10 year old!

The trainer was happy and encouraged me to get in!

Next day, I was in the rink with my roller skating shoes!

Trainer asked me to walk end to end with those wheels beneath the shoes!

As I started slowly lifting the leg and keep it forward, a kind of fear gripped all over the body. I thought all the parents present over there are watching me instead of their kids!!

I was into ‘what if – then’ vicious cycle.

No rolling at all even after 15 days. The kids who joined a week later were merrily rolling!

Quite annoying moments.

On 16th day, as I entered the rink, I thought of rolling and nothing else.

Suddenly all fear vanished. Slowly I rolled.

And, all kids were applauding!!

That was my best lesson to understand the fear.

Fear creates more thoughts pushing us into more fear!

Stepping out of thinking mind is the way to overcome fear. 

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