Thursday, July 23, 2020


What is in name?

It depends on the totality of perception that I hold!

A name can mean lot of things or nothing at all!

For example, CORONA

It can elicit fear, and afraid to move around also! Soon boredom and confusion follows as you keep watching never ending breaking news on TV channels!

Corona is also the name of outer most part of the Sun’s atmosphere!

This awareness was there much before year 2020! And we always look forward to total eclipse to see the beauty and also understand the nature of Sun’s atmosphere!

So A B C of Life can be in the sphere of AFRAID, BORED AND CONFUSED.
In this sphere , we never go out of a, b, c!

A B C of Life can also be in the sphere of being in AWARENESS, BEAUTY and CELEBRATIVE!
In this sphere, we can reach Z, zeal for Life!

Choice is mine and so are the consequences I experience!

Day in and day out we are undergoing numerous experiences. And all of them are borne out of our choices, conscious and unconscious included!

Am I Aware of them?
Which is my ABC of Life ?

#meditation #coaching for #appropriate #choices!

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