Tuesday, July 21, 2020


The last few days I am posting about  the Space and in continuation another post here, pulled out from my book MY FIRE WITHIN!

All these articles have happened in meditative moments.

Pausing, now and then, while reading these posts and contemplating on them, will open up to the different dimension and perception.

When ocean rises to the sky, it appears in the form of clouds floating around the sky!

Dark clouds obscure the mighty Sun for a long period during monsoon months. Does the Sun stop heating up the ocean in order to prove its might?

By the way, who is responsible for the creation of dark clouds?

When those dark clouds turn into rain, the Sun will be reason for the rainbow!

Have we ever seen the ocean on the boil? Yet the Sun silently heats up the ocean and makes it to rise to the sky!

The awareness of ‘me’ is Sun and the ‘me’ is ocean!
So being in meditation is the process where the awareness Sun silently heats up the ocean of ‘me’ and the rising thoughts and emotions (clouds) sometime obscure the Sun, and other times gives rise to rainbow!

After all when I remember that I am part of the Nature, I am the sun and I am the ocean!

AND I am the SPACE that contains all these!!!

#meditation #coaching

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