Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Why believe in living up to 120 years?

 Do you believe that tomorrow will be the last day of your life?

Or do you lean more towards the belief that you'll be alive tomorrow?

Two days ago, I wrote in a post that I aspire to live up to 120 years. It garnered various responses across the spectrum. Now, I'd like to provide the context in which I express this aspiration.
(There is a write-up on this in a booklet which I usually share with my new connections.)

In my sessions, I often express, "I aspire to live up to 120 years, yet I'm also at peace with the idea of saying goodbye to life at any moment, as it's not within our control."

Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of living beyond 80 years. This discomfort stems from witnessing the sufferings of old age and a desire to avoid such experiences.

However, when we affirm, "I aspire to live up to 120 years," it prompts us to prioritize the care of our bodies and minds from this very moment. This entails engaging in suitable exercises for our age and lifestyle, practicing moderation in eating habits, and ensuring good sleep.

Maintaining this ongoing commitment to self-care can lead to a healthy, medication-free life, regardless of the age we're destined to reach.

So, do you now aspire to live up to 120 years and feel motivated to undertake all that is necessary for a journey of well-being?

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I offer guidance on integrating micro-practices into your daily routines, specifically tailored to destress and rejuvenate on the go, supporting graceful aging that aligns with any culture and tradition.

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