Saturday, August 1, 2020


Consider the following scenarios;

1.   1. Sailing in a peaceful pacific ocean

2.   2. Surfing through turbulent waves

3.   3Rafting into the river rapids


Imagining the scenario 1 could evoke two extreme feelings and corresponding thoughts of (i) calming and soothing or (ii) boring and monotony.

Similarly for scenario 2 the two extreme feelings and corresponding thoughts evoked could be (i) Excitement and refreshing or (ii) Fear and horrifying

The scenario 3 also gives rise to thoughts and feelings of either (i) Adventurous and Fun or (ii) Traumatic and punishing!

Scenarios in our day to day life also evoke that sort of thoughts and feelings panning extremities on both sides.

However scenario on its own is neither terrific nor beauty, neither calming nor boring…..

Suspending thoughts and observing and experiencing the scenario as it is even for a while, without our usual analysis, greatly enhances the knowing of self!


#being in #meditation is #selfawareness


[This is the first out of three in the series of Ponder.
These kind of ponder lead to self reflection.
For me it also helped to author a book MY FIRE WITHIN! ]

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