Monday, April 13, 2020


Here is a person who proved how to leave a SPACE without any void!

He proved we all simply manifest and unmanifest in the same SPACE - which he used to refer as SUSWASA's SPACE.

He proved that SPACE is here & Now! He proved that SUSWASA's SPACE is a field of all possibilities.

He proved, we are free to choose any possibility and in doing so, we inherit the consequences and experience it all!

He also proved that we can choose again and again to change our experiences!

He also proved that being aware of that SPACE, our core identity - we can live through our representative identity formed by the combination of our body, sensory perceptions, thoughts and emotions.

Amazing thing is we all could experience very easily that -we can reach our core identity through our representative identity!

He is the one to show that Meditation is EASY :

Stillness in
And that stillness is SPACE!!

In his demise, we are all finding our SPACE !!
And his SPACE and our SPACE is ONE !!!

- Thanks for reading Subramani Sarode' s Obituary!!!

Meditation for me is to embrace FLAW!

Loving and in
Awareness of
What is!

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