Wednesday, April 8, 2020


There is hardly anyone who hasn’t suffered from allergies.

I too suffered few allergies for quite a long time, in fact about 20 years!

I used to develop rashes all over the body for no apparent reason!

Then I started noticing that wearing a particular shirt caused rashes around neck. Later rashes started appearing all over the body, for variety of reasons like food, change in climate, pollution etc!

I sought medical advice and followed all prescriptions to the ‘T’.

Slowly weeks and months went by. The prescribed medicines seemed to work, albeit temporarily. Some relief, for some time only!

The speciality of allergy is, it makes us to surrender to its suffering. Suffering silently every day and years pass by!

Are you resonating with me?!

At last, I found out that the real reason behind the allergy is the emotional imbalance I was going through. This emotional imbalance made my immunity system to go on over drive! Therefore, consumption of certain type of food, change in climate and pollution were all triggering allergic condition!

Then, my regular and consistent practice of being in Meditation and energy exercises (Zhan Zhuang) paid off!

This is the sixth year that I have not consumed any medicine, not even paracetamol!

Now, I am on a mission to enhance wellness and joyfulness of (especially) middle aged professionals.

The innovative meditation practices evolved over twenty five years of experimentation has already impacted many persons’ lives positively!

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