Thursday, November 28, 2024

Would you build a house with only a living room?

A home is not just one space. It has a kitchen, dining area, bedrooms, bathrooms, and more. Each space serves a purpose, and it becomes a home with the people inside.

Now imagine saying, “I love the living room best, so I will stay there forever.” Sounds silly, right?

But isn’t this what we do with life? We divide it into “heaven” (happiness) and “drudgery” (work, challenges) and try to cling to one while avoiding the other.

Life, like a home, has many rooms. You can’t escape moving in and out of them. Joy, sorrow, work, rest—they all belong in the experience of life.

Here’s where self-awareness steps in. It’s about being in the moment—accepting all parts of life, just as a home is complete with every room. It doesn’t mean avoiding challenges; it means seeing them as a natural part of your journey.

You don’t need special tools to practice this awareness. A smile, a deep breath, or just observing what’s around you can center you in the present. Because life isn’t about chasing endless pleasure—it’s about embracing who you are.

Let’s walk through every “room” of life with awareness and calm.

#suswasaSpace #SelfAwareness #InTheMoment #LifeLessons


I guide busy professionals through micro-practices to release stress, anxiety, and irritating thoughts and quickly return to a state of peace and calm.

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