Monday, September 30, 2024


HOPE  acts as a ray of light in the darkness

HOPE acts as a rope, lifting up a person from deep despair.

HOPE stands for Helping One to be in Presence Effortlessly.

Maya, a 38-year-old software developer, was juggling between deadlines, family life, and the constant buzz of notifications. She didn’t realize how much stress she was carrying until it started showing up as headaches, sleepless nights, and a deep feeling of being overwhelmed. Maya felt like a race car, constantly speeding through life, without ever getting a pit stop.

Then, during one lunch break, she stumbled upon a simple one-minute  micro-practice on SuswasaSpace. No fancy techniques, no elaborate setup, just a moment to pause and let go.

At first, it seemed too simple to work, but after a few days, she noticed something incredible: the headaches lessened, her mood improved, and she could focus better at work. She was not trying to change her entire life, but those small moments of presence started to change her.

What is true for Maya is also true for Mohan : )

This October, during Joy of Giving Week, I invite you to experience what Maya and Mohan discovered. Those small, effortless steps toward calm. Micro-practices are not just about stress relief. They are about reclaiming your presence, your peace, and your power in the middle of a fast-paced world.

By practicing these micro-moments of presence, you are not just giving hope to yourself, but to everyone around you. When you feel grounded, others will too. Your calmness is contagious, and it creates a ripple effect of peace.

This Joy of Giving Week, let’s come together to Give HOPE—Helping One to be in Presence Effortlessly.


PS – I will be conducting many mini sessions at different times between 2nd Oct and 8th Oct 2024.  Do not miss out on catching the HOPE!

DM me now for free sessions.


PPS – Maya and Mohan represent more than 100 individuals who have experienced the power of micro-practices.

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