Wednesday, September 20, 2023




What does it mean?

It depends on the inclination/subscription to a particular ideology.

It may be obvious to whom it refers!

It may also look mean.

And it can mean getting rid of Raga and Dvesha – attachment and aversion!

Whatever may be our political/religious inclination, once we are in Raga & Dvesha, we invite all the six – Kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada & matsara and make friendship with them though they are all enemies!

Soon we start drawing energy from the above six as it kicks in the feeling of superiority from looking down upon the otherness of the others.

When we draw energy from six enemies, it destroys the divinity inherent in every personality.

The oneness goes for a toss!

Be aware of wherefrom we draw energy when reading/listening/watching political/religious content.

Is it from raga, dwesha… or is it from space of oneness?

Accessing the Space of oneness is easy. It is available all the time. It does not demand any elaborate process.


#suswasaSpace – to access the Space of Oneness effortlessly!


Connect with me to quench your curiosity about how to access the space of Oneness within a few moments leading to calmness and peacefulness!

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