Monday, February 1, 2021

Why do you dither to take decisions?

 I wanted to water the plants in the back yard.

Suddenly I remembered making a phone call and thought will do it after the call.

Call over.

Then I sat down on the balcony to write the script for the video series. As I was writing, I happened to glance at the plants in the back yard.

Hey! I have not watered the plants. Next few minutes, the mind was oscillating between whether to water the plants or continue the writing.

I also remembered to check the google calendar!


Does it sound familiar?

Why does this dithering in taking decisions happen?

Though we plan everything to the T, something comes up and the entire schedule goes for a toss!

Doesn’t it play out similarly in all our life also; both in personal as well as professional front?

Suddenly all the time management techniques seem ineffective.

And we feel jittery, get annoyed and stressed.

Why does it happen this way always?

The clue is hidden in the situation narrated above.

The thought, by its default nature, oscillates between past and future.

This will prevent us from focusing on the job in the present!

It is a known fact that thought is the driving force behind the action, however, not all thoughts are actionable!

According to a study, anywhere between 60 thousand to 90 thousand thoughts bombard us in a day!

So in order to avoid dithering, we need to focus only on actionable thoughts and drop all non-actionable thoughts!

And that is possible by practicing to be in meditation every now and then!

This enables us to focus and accomplish the task on hand, be it at home front or work front.

Now on whenever you tend to dither taking a decision, just step back from thinking mind for a while and you proceed to take appropriate action!




1 comment:

Ganesh said...

Lovely. Thanks for sharing this @subramani sarode