Tuesday, June 8, 2021

To compare or not to compare!

To compare or not to compare?

It is a common myth that we should not be comparing, right?

However, comparison helps us to go for the best and avoid the rest!

It is a wrong comparison that leads to the problem.

For example,

There was a news item in the media sometime back about the divorce of Bill Gates and Melinda.

Now, if at all a comparison has to be drawn, it can be on how to be an entrepreneur or a philanthropist and not on how the relationship got botched up!

Again the name of a member of parliament was all over the media some time ago. Now instead of speculating on the controversy, it is better to draw a comparison on the name of the MP – Tejasvi Surya – means radiant Sun.

A radiant Sun shines equally on all beings, and how this aspect can be brought into my life!

Mahatma Gandhi – It is becoming  fashionable for some to compare this great soul in a negative light and saying he was not good at parenting!

If at all I need to compare, then it can be –

What degree of sacrifice I can handle to espouse my purpose of life!

#suswasaSpace – A space to pare down your negative comparisons!

Finding the Purpose of Life 2/5

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