Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Awakening the child within - Session on 11th June 2022

 What happens when you awaken the child within?


Check out the following list below.

What else can be added?


✅   Your mind is #still

✅   You are #curious

✅   You are #happy

✅   You are #creative

✅   You are #joyful

✅   You are #experimental

✅   You get back from the #setbacks #quickly.


The child within exists always, waiting to be awakened!


I am doing a session on 'awakening the child within' on Saturday 11th June 2022.

You will experience all of the above in the session!


Do Register to bring back the mojo in your life!


Click here to register 



it's #tyme to awaken the child within now!

& be in the #suswasaSpace


tyme - Tree Yoga & MEditation!

SuswasaSpace - To De-stress & Rejuvenate on the go! Access the inner guidance! A space that is calm, peaceful & serene!

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