Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Why not able to do meditation regularly?

 It is ironic that everyone agrees to the fact that Meditation is for total wellness, however, most of them say they are not regular in doing meditation!


Another fact is that most people use meditation as a pill (say paracetamol) to get instant relief!


This could be 5-10 minutes of sitting with closed eyes, as the stress builds up, to going for a retreat once in a while. No doubt, there will be a feeling of calmness and peace during those times.


Then, again feel too stressed as soon as getting involved in the day to day activities!


But there is a way to be in calmness even when involved in the day to day activities! By adopting micro Self Awareness practices every now & then, we can be in meditation at any time and move towards total wellness!


Now let’s take a poll.


You are doing meditation yet feel not getting to the core of it?

Oh, yes, because…


1. I‘m not regular – lack of time

2. Too many thoughts disturb me

3. It may lead to lethargy

4. No patience to wait for result


#suswasaSpace - Self Awareness practices to de-stress and Rejuvenate on the go; Creating a Ripple of Joy! Connecting to your own space of inner guidance!

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